A Highland Fish Story

This fish story comes from Highland already, although the new road is not yet built, says the Voice of the Road. Geo. Yant, the engineer, vouches for it. A farmer near the town has a prize cow that has always been kept in the best condition. Yet for a time when she came home from the pasture at night not a drop of milk could be gotten from her. This went on for several days and baffled every effort of the farmer to find a reason. This much was observed, though, that she went into a large pond of water every day and stood awhile. It was then observed no milk could be gotten when she came out. The farmer scratched his head a moment. Next morning when that cow went to the pasture there was fixed to her a net and over the udder fish hooks of various sizes were attached. When she came out of the pond that evening she had about 50 pounds of fish hanging to her—suckers. At milking time she gave the usual amount of milk.—Brown County World.

From— The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.), 24 Aug. 1906. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.