Carl was tired and he just dumped his bull pouts with the grass in which he had carried them home into a dishpan. Then it occurred to him to put the dishpan in the kitchen sink and turn on the faucet a little, and he did so before going to bed.
That’s where the story begins. The rest of it happened while Carl was asleep. You see, the grass overflowed with the water from the dishpan and clogged the drain of the sink. And then the sink filled up and overflowed. And then the whole of the ground floor of Carl’s home, “Colonial Cottage,” became a pond. And when Carl got up on Sunday morning and went into the kitchen he found all his mess of bull pouts swimming around over the floor as happy as if they were back in Lincoln pond.
That’s the story, and if you doubt that it happened in just that way you can ask Carl, who is now head of the Elizabethtown Hardware company, Inc.

From— Pullman Herald. (Pullman, W.T. (Wash.]), 21 April 1922. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.