fish, which, alarmed by the slight splash, started to turn around. The stream was too narrow, however, to permit the maneuver and the fish jammed its head against one bank and its tail against the other. At that instant the current carried Fee's hook against the trout's side and the educator gave an excited heave. The hook entered the trout’s skin and Fee dragged a three-pounder to the bank.
Brush creek is the stream in which George S. Walker, now manager of the Western Typewriter Sales company in Denver, make a remarkable catch a few years ago. Walker hooked a trout so big that when he dragged it to the bank the water in the little pool in which it had lain subsided so far that seven other trout were left stranded. Walker did a Brodie on top of the flapping fish and captured all before the pool refilled. The eight fish weighed thirteen pounds.
From— The Ogden Standard. (Ogden City, Utah), 25 Aug. 1916.
Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.