CAPTURED IN MID-AIR ♢ Here Is a Fish Story That Has the Real Flavor ♢ Bird on the Wing Rewarded Efforts of Club Commodore, Whose Veracity May Not Be Called In Question.

Sitting on the float of the Palisade Boat club in Yonkers, several members and friends were relating vacation adventures of this season. Fish, snakes and other reptiles had been favored in their innings. Bear, deer, birds, canoe upsets and rescues from drowning also had received veracious attention, when former Commodore William J. Lord of the Yonkers Yacht club moved his chair to the edge of the group.
“Friends and fellow citizens,” said “I don’t expect any of you to tell, but it doesn’t make much difference to me, for the narrative is true. Most of you know,” the former commodore went on, “that I put in three weeks at Watkins Glen, on Seneca lake. One evening, shortly after sunset, I took a pole and line and went down to the water. The hook was baited with a salmon fly, and I thought some kind of fish would strike at it. I was disappointed. After making probably 100 or more casts at different points in the lake, I was getting discouraged. Just as I had resolved to go back to the hotel. I made another cast. I watched to see and hear the faint splash in the water. It did not come. The fly did not touch the lake. And not a tree or other obstacle for it to strike was within 500 yards. I was amazed.